Monday, December 12, 2011

White Wedding Cake - Shima

This 3 tiered wedding cake was for Shima's soleminization ceremony. It was held in a quaint and small club house. When I reached the club house, there were only 3 children, below 12 years olds, with 2 adults  , I guessed from the catering contractors awaiting at the club house. I asked them where is the cake table, they have no idea at all. One of the children informed me that everybody were in the mosque attending the solemnization ceremony.

I just put all the boxes on one of the table and started setting-up the cake. While setting-up, the children just can't resisted touching the butter cream, OMG!!! I had to repair a few spots, that had delayed substantially the proses of setting-up.  They requested to taste the butter cream, as usual, (I have done this so many times) I asked them to hold out their tongue and I piped a dallop of butter cream on their tongue.......well, it does not look hygenic,  at least these children will stop bothering me.

While piping little dots on the top tiered, suddenly the main door opened!! the solemnization had over and a stream of guests started coming in. I just stopped and cleaned the table. One of the lady that came in earlier showed me the place for the cake and we carried the cake on the designated  area. I thought of finishing the little dots on the other tiers but I find it impossible to do it.

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