Four years ago, my friend been pestering me to try her grandmother's peanut cookies recipes. She gave me the recipe via e-mail, and gave me a few tips on what type of peanuts is suitable for the cookies. I told her why took all the trouble of baking these cookies, it saves time and effort just bought at the supermarket. She's really craved and very adamant that it will be very tasty and addictive. To induce me into trying the recipe, she had paid all the ingredients cost.
Based on her story (usually long winded), after her grandmother's demised, no one in the family seems interested to carry her legacy. Her aunt told me its very tedious to make and she don't like to see her kitchen turn into a tsunami aftermath.
After analyzing the recipe, I realized the measurement of ingredients uses "mangkuk" ( its like a small rice bowl usually used by the Chinese), a typical traditional recipe. There's various size of rice bowl!!!!. I just "agak-agak" (it's a malay word means estimates) the size of the bowl then I had to convert to a measurement that I'm more familiar with, metric system. The ingredients are very simple, groundnut, fried, removed skin and grind finely (then I know why your kitchen will look like tsunami aftermath), flour, icing sugar, peanut oil and one egg for glazing.
I have difficulty finding a good peanut oil (some recipe uses Corn oil). I found one, organic peanut oil, but very expensive. Anyway managed to find a near substitute that I think suffice for the recipe.
I have to admit, what she said was true, obviously not a healthy snack but its taste awesome!!, yummy, yummy. Really different from the one you bought at the supermarket.
Ever since, she been ordering the peanut cookies from me for her Chinese New Year, of course a little bit expensive because there's an intangible ingredients being added, that is, lots of love, patience and passion into it.
After and before baking |