3 Tiered Wedding Cake – Basket Weave
Initially she requested cake with fondant icing but I advice her for butter cream cake because the event was held outdoor (typical Malay kampong with many trees) and probability of raining in December was high. High humidity will make the fondant “sticky” and it doesn’t look good. In fact it was drizzling when I reached her house somewhere in Banting. Weather plays an important role in any event, certain cakes may look nice in pictures but come actual day, it may not look nice especially in our country where humidity is very high. Thus it is vital that this is bought up during discussions.
Token to the Groom’s Family
Sahlawati ordered chocolate cupcakes as a token to the groom’s family for her “nikah” ceremony.
Sahlawati’s Hantaran (Heart shaped)
This hantaran was a gift to the groom during their wedding ceremony at the groom’s house.